Oregon Black Truffle Bread Pudding

This recipe is a winter desert that calls for Oregon black truffle however European black truffle can be substituted. As truffle is normally a special occasion and only once a year type dinner item this dish is not calorie conscious.  It can be made in 1-1/2 hours however for best results place the truffles along with the butter and cream (container opened) in a larger air tight container in the fridge for 2-4 day to infuse. Do not use truffle oil as a substitute.   In the USA companies such as the Truffle Dog Company out of Washington will ship nation-wide from mid to late November through April. Avoid rake harvested truffle at all costs as the quality varies greatly. Best served with an Oregon ice wine.

Ingredients (4 people – for 6 people increase milk, cream and sugar by 50% and add an additional egg to the custard, truffle remains the same)

1 Baggett (day old preferred)                                    

1 Stick of Butter

1 Cup Whole Milk

1 Cup Cream (reserve the remaining cream for whipping)

½ - ¾ Cup Sugar (to taste)

3 Large Eggs + 1 Yolk

1-2oz Oregon Black Truffle                                                                                                 Puddings in water bath


Slice Baggett into ¾” slices with enough to pack (firm but not squished) 4 ramekins when diced. Liberally butter with the infused butter both the slices of bread and ramekins with half a stick (approximately) of butter. Dice the bread and place in ramekins. Pre-heat oven at 350F and prepare water bath (boiling water please) to rise half way up ramekins. 

Combine milk and cream in a saucepan and slowly bring to a simmer. Turn off the heat and grate ¾- 1oz of black truffle into the milk to steep (min 10 minutes). Bring back to heat just below simmer and then remove from heat completely.

Wisk eggs, yolk and sugar together and then temper with dairy mixture. Combine tempered eggs with remaining dairy mixture and stir continually. Custard should start to thicken slightly.  

Soak bread evenly with custard and then top up the ramekins with remaining mixture if any remains. Place in water bath and bake for 40 minutes or until custard has set (check at 35 minutes by pushing a paring knife into the pudding- should come out clean).  Remove from oven and immediately grate a small amount black truffle onto puddings. Allow to sit for a minimum 10 minutes before serving. Can also be refrigerated and served cold

If you need the extra calories serve with the remaining infused cream (whipped).

Variation- Add chopped hazelnuts in for texture and serve with hazelnut coffee topped with truffle infused whipped cream.

Idea’s for left over butter, cream and truffle. You will probably have left over truffle from this recipe as well as the half stick of butter and the remaining cream. We normally combine the butter with the black truffle to make a butter roll (grate truffle into the butter, roll into a log and seal with cling wrap then foil and freeze). It is great as a finishing butter for steaks, rubbed under a breast of a roasting chicken or used for mushroom risotto. By doing this the $50-$75 spent on truffle is spread over 10-12 meals making a luxury item more affordable. Cream is great for deserts, with strawberries (it is fantastic if you use the truffle butter in the crust of a strawberry shortcake and top with truffled cream) as well as gravies on the savory side.